Richard Smith


grayscale photo of man holding camera

about me

Hi I'm Richard and I live in Rochdale, Lancashire with my family. 

As you can see from the picture, I would rather be outside than inside.

I've been a dog owner for most of my life and I just love to be around animals.

my services

two brown and white dogs running dirt road during daytime

Canine photography

Canine photography captures the essence and beauty of dogs through the lens. 

It involves skillful composition, lighting, and timing to showcase a dog's personality, emotions, and physical traits. 

From playful pups to regal canines, this art form celebrates the bond between humans and their four-legged companions, preserving cherished moments.

Infant Portrait photography

Infant portrait photography captures the innocence and charm of babies in their earliest stages of life. 

These photos emphasize the tiny details, expressions, and emotions of newborns, typically using soft lighting, props, and serene settings. 

The goal is to create timeless, heartwarming images that families can cherish as precious memories.
baby under purple blanket


Photographic retouching is the process of enhancing or altering digital or analog photographs to improve their overall quality, appearance, or aesthetics. 

It involves adjustments like removing blemishes, adjusting colors, sharpening details, and other edits to achieve the desired visual outcome while maintaining a natural and realistic look.

    How can we help?

    Feel free to ask any question or simply leave a comment.

    Add : 24 Bridge Chippy, OL11 9LR ROCHDALE
    Tel : 01706 000000
    Email :

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